Go to my Youtube Channel to see all videos.  Here are my four favorites.


THE DREAM   2 minutes and 11 seconds -- click on square on bottom right to see full screen.

"Going somewhere, searching for something.

I should have gone to my class, an hour, a week… months ago.  I have been looking for this class in other dreams – elevators missed, stairs unavailable before.

I rush along….and there it is – the classroom.  Others are busy at work, but now that I am here I want to be home. 

I find a train station.  I know there is only one train for me. As I stand there, that very one passes and there is no other.  Off I go into the night towards the moon for miles, until the night too fades and the mists clear to reveal a bridge.

Soon I am climbing the stairs into the dawn of a new day."



THE RED BIKE       9 minutes and 4 seconds - click on the square in the bottom right corner for full screen view.

This film was featured in the Los Angeles New Media Film Festival. It was made as an homage to the Italian movie by Vittorio de Sica, THE BICYCLE THIEF.


Here Olive has grown up a bit but is still a force of nature.

Here is a video completed after sketching from the nude at the Sketch Club in Philadelphia.